
Protect the Ogunquit River Watershed

The Ogunquit River Watershed Restoration Project, Phase I

As part of the Ogunquit River Restoration Project Phase I, grant funds are now available for FREE technical assistance to recommend site specific conservation practices for your property. To set up a site visit for your property or for more information on how you can get involved, please contact FB Environmental:  [email protected]

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Ogunquit River Restoration Phase II  Click here to read the report


 Open/Green Space Land Acquisition

Preserves existing open spaces for community use



 Water Testing

Protects rivers, streams and the beach from pollution



 Going Green

Program to become Maine’s first Green Town involving residents, business and the Municipality


 Land Use

Work with the Planning Board to ensure smart development




Limits Chemical and pesticide use on Town property



 Snow Dumping

Recommend enviro friendly snow dump locations



 Natural Habitat Protection

Work with all concerned parties to protect natural habitats



Storm Water Run-off Mapping

Mapping storm water run off is critical to understanding how water pollution happens. This GIS mapping system will provide greater detail to users


Fencing to Protect Our Dunes

Maintaining fencing and signage along the dunes is critical to management of natural dunes



Ogunquit River Restoration Project

The Ogunquit Conservation Commission, the Town of Ogunquit, FB Environmental Associates, and Maine DEP are working together on a Phase I initiative to improve water quality and reduce bacteria levels in the Ogunquit River watershed and at its public beaches.

The Ogunquit River watershed is approximately 21 square miles located within the towns of Ogunquit, South Berwick, York and Wells. The Ogunquit River is joined by multiple tributaries, including Tatnic Brook and Green Brook, before entering into more developed areas in the Town of Ogunquit. The portion of the river downstream of the Route 1 crossing is tidal. It flows through salt marshes before emptying into the Gulf of Maine behind Ogunquit’s barrier beach.