Mike Horn to Speak at the National Pesticide Forum

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Last week we looked at the National Pesticide Forum to be held in Portland, beginning the afternoon of Friday, April 15, and continuing all day Saturday, April 16, at the University of Maine in South Portland. We mentioned that someone from Ogunquit would probably be representing not only our town at the forum, but speaking about our landmark pesticide ordinance.

But who would be the best person to speak about the roots of our pesticide ordinance?  Many of us on the Ogunquit Conservation Commission now were not on the commission when the ordinance banning pesticides on town land was passed.

That’s why when retired chair, Mike Horn, agreed to speak at the forum, we knew we had the best person to represent our town at this national conference.

You probably know that Mike was a founding member of the Ogunquit Conservation Commission, that he, as chair, was instrumental guiding the commission to advocate passing the initial ordinance banning chemical pesticides on town land, and then, a few years later, banning chemical pesticides on all land in town.OCC - nopesticides 2

The forum will be honored to hear how this conservation pioneer helped Ogunquit be the leader in many conservation issues in Maine.


The Ogunquit Conservation Commission is looking for new members. If you care about our town, the cleanliness of our beach and waterways, protecting our beach, dunes, and preserving land from development, we urge you to join us – we meet once a month, third Thursdays, from 6:30 – 7:30, at the Dunaway Center.