Come to Portland for the National Pesticide Forum!

OCC - Conference

Interested in the health of our Ogunquit environment?  Want to learn more about how you can help protect our gorgeous, fragile Ogunquit environment?

Then you might be interested in the 34 th National Pesticide Forum, Cultivating Community and Environmental Health, Models for sustainable and organic strategies to protect ecosystems, pollinators, and waterways, supported by Beyond Pesticides, Washington, D.C.

When will it be?  Friday afternoon, April 15, and all day Saturday, April 16.

Friday?  Friday from noon till evening will be packed with tours, a one woman play about Rachel Carson, and an author’s arguing for a way in which we can not only heal the land but also turn atmospheric carbon into beneficial soil carbon—and potentially reverse global warming.

Saturday? Look for an array of informative speakers, such as Aaron Blair, Ph.D., a National Cancer Institute researcher (emeritus), author of more than 450 publications on occupational and environmental causes of cancer.

Jonathan Lundgren, Ph.D., a top U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist who received a prestigious national award for civic courage (Entomologist in the Crosshairs of Science and Corporate Politics) for his work on neonicotinoids and pollinator decline in the face of agency attempts to suppress his work.

Jim Gerritsen, an organic farmer and president of the national farmer-run membership trade organization, Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA), which served as lead plaintiff in the landmark organic community federal lawsuit, OSGATA et al. v. Monsanto.

U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree was elected to represent Maine’s 1st district in the United States House of Representatives in 2008.

Beyond pesticides 3And many others including our own, Mike Horn.

We urge you to come!

Scholarships available.

Sign up here